One of the few upsides to insomnia is the extra time it affords. And so on Thursday morning, when work anxiety awakened me at 4:30 a.m., I decided to channel it productively into something sweet and delicious -- old-fashioned blueberry muffins.
Mom C's Blueberry Muffins recipe is from the collection I just got from Arthur Schwartz. It was sent to Arthur in 1997 by Janet C. Evans who noted that the recipe is "really yummy!" and 60 years old (today almost 80 years old). That makes sense as the finished product is nothing like today's ginormous overly sweet cakes baked in muffin tins. Instead, it is a small flavor-packed slightly sweetened muffin, with nary a muffin top in sight.
There are just a few ingredients in these muffins and they can be put together in minutes, just in time for breakfast.

Mix the butter and sugar. Add the eggs and then the milk and dry ingredients.

Fold in the blueberries last.
Spoon into paper-lined muffin tins.
Bake for 20 minutes or so and voila, the perfect breakfast treat.
Production notes: I used butter (not Spry) and a mixture of frozen and fresh blueberries (because at 5 a.m., one can't be choosy). There was no milk in the house, so I used 1/2 cup of half and half mixed with 1/2 cup of water. I filled each muffin tin about 3/4 full which made 22 muffins.
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