
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Brownies (Best Recipe)

A new study from the University of Cambridge touting the health benefits of chocolate sent me right to the kitchen last night to whip up a batch of brownies from a recipe in Olive's collection.  The recipe, attributed to one Babe Gregware, is labeled (Best Recipe), so I just had to try it, health benefits or not.

The verdict?  Excellent, very chocolate-y brownies.  DH called them "old-fashioned," quickly adding "not in a bad way."   They are not exceedingly sweet and have a lovely, fudge-like texture that hold together much better than more modern versions.   The recipe didn't specify what size pan, so I used a 9 x 12 one, thinking that because of the four eggs, they would rise.  But they didn't, yielding a thin brownie.  I do think this recipe would work well in an 8 or 9-inch square pan if you want a heftier brownie.

Whenever chocolate is the star of a recipe, as it is in brownies,  I suggest using a high quality product (like Scharfenberger or Valrhona) as opposed to Baker's.  The result is well worth it and, after all, it's for your good health, so splurge a little.


  1. How much is 4 squares of chocolate in ounces/grams?

  2. Jasmina: One square equals one ounce, so I put four ounces of chocolate in this recipe. I have to add that these brownies improve with age. They taste amazing today -- two days after baking.

  3. Thank you for the reply :) I will try these brownies soon!

  4. hi susan -- it's elaine, sheryl's mom. I want to make your brownies this afternoon with my niece and nephew. is the bitter chocolate in the recipe bittersweet chocolate, or unsweetened chocolate? I eagerly await your reply!

  5. Hi, Elaine! Bitter chocolate is unsweetened chocolate. If you can, I'd suggest using something other than Baker's Unsweetened, which isn't that good of a chocolate. I like Scharffen Berger or Valrhona. I'm sure you can find something good at International Taste or Union Market. These brownies are good right away, but really rock after they've mellowed a few days (if they even last that long). Please report back!

  6. Hi Susan,
    I am Salwana all the way from Brunei. Love reading your blog and thanks for sharing the recipes. Appreciate it much :)

  7. @Salwana! Thanks so much for finding my blog. Just checked out your and I love it! Very exotic, and I hope to try some of your amazing recipes.

  8. Hi Susan! I have really enjoyed reading your blog, My 11 year old granddaughter and cooking partner (the Blue Baker as she calls herself) and I made these brownies today. They are just fabulous. She looked at me and said, "the last time I ate brownies this good were when we made Chef Keller's recipe." Apparently, she doesn't forget a good brownie ;)

    Thanks again,
    From the chefs at The Gourmet Review

  9. @The Gourmet Review: Wow! Thanks so much for your kind comment. And so glad that Blue Baker really has good taste; guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
